What is Allianz Net Worth and Revenue Streams Analysis for 2024

What is Allianz Net Worth and Revenue Streams Analysis for 2024

Allianz net worth has been a significant point of discussion in 2024.

Here, we at Ando Money provide a clear analysis of Allianz’s financial performance, focusing on its key revenue sources such as the Property-Casualty segment and Asset Management. Let’s dive in.

Quick Facts

NameAllianz SE
Full NameAllianz Societas Europaea
IndustryInsurance and Asset Management
Traded asFrankfurt Stock Exchange: ALV, NYSE: AZ
FoundersWilhelm von Finck, Carl von Thieme
HeadquartersMunich, Germany
Chief Executive OfficerOliver Bäte
Number of Employees157,883
Market Cap$128.62 billion as of September 2024
Total Assets$1.070 T
Total Equity€55.5 billion ($59.4 billion) as of June 30, 2024
Revenue€91.0 billion ($97.3 billion) for 6M 2024
Net Income€5.0 billion ($5.35 billion) for 6M 2024

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap Of Allianz in 2024?

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap Of Allianz in 2024

As of September 2024, Allianz’s market capitalization stands at $128.62 billion. This places Allianz among the most financially substantial companies globally.

Compared to other major firms in the industry, Allianz maintains a competitive market position. Below are a few notable names related to Allianz:

  • Axa
  • Zurich Insurance Group
  • Munich Re
  • Generali
  • Prudential
  • AIG
  • MetLife
  • Aviva
  • Swiss Re
  • Chubb

When comparing Allianz’s market cap to other firms, it ranks significantly among the world’s most prosperous companies.

For a list of such companies, feel free to visit our detailed analysis of the wealthiest organizations.

Financial Performance Overview

Allianz Financial Performance Overview

Key Revenue Streams of the Firm

Allianz‘s revenue streams are powered by three primary business segments: Property-Casualty insurance, Life/Health insurance, and Asset Management. E

ach of these segments played a crucial role in generating Allianz’s total business volume of €91.0 billion ($97.3 billion) in the first six months of 2024.

The Property-Casualty segment led growth, largely driven by new business in retail, SME, and fleet insurance. The Life/Health segment benefited from increased new business premiums and a favorable business mix.

Meanwhile, the Asset Management segment was bolstered by increased assets under management (AuM), leading to improved revenues from management fees.

Property-Casualty Insurance Segment Revenue Analysis

The Property-Casualty insurance segment showed significant resilience in the first half of 2024. Business volume rose to €44.8 billion ($47.9 billion), a 7.3% increase from the prior year.

Despite challenges such as elevated natural catastrophe claims, the combined ratio remained favorable at 92.7%, demonstrating Allianz’s efficient cost controls and solid operational performance.

Growth was particularly noted in retail insurance, which advanced by 12%.

Life and Health Insurance Revenue Contributions

The Life/Health insurance segment contributed substantially to Allianz’s revenue, with present value of new business premiums (PVNBP) reaching €41.1 billion ($43.9 billion).

This rise was mainly due to strong sales of capital-efficient products across various regions, leading to operating profit growth of 7.3% compared to the first half of 2023. The new business margin was recorded at 5.7%, underlining the segment’s profitability and demand for Allianz’s offerings.

Asset Management Revenue Performance

Asset Management saw a boost with third-party assets under management hitting €1.803 trillion ($1.93 trillion) by the end of June 2024. The net inflows of €48.4 billion ($51.7 billion) further supported Allianz’s revenue streams.

The operating profit of this segment climbed to €1.5 billion ($1.6 billion), reflecting a 6.3% year-over-year growth, driven by increased fees due to the rise in managed assets.

Impact of Operating Profit on Overall Financial Health

Operating profit for Allianz reached €7.9 billion ($8.4 billion) for the first six months of 2024, a 5.3% increase from 2023. Each of Allianz’s major segments contributed to this growth.

The Life/Health segment experienced strong gains, while Property-Casualty was supported by internal growth and efficient catastrophe management.

This comprehensive profitability showcases the Firm’s robust approach to navigating financial risks.

Effect of Cost Management and Efficiency Measures

Cost management initiatives remained pivotal for Allianz throughout 2024.

A significant indicator of this was the reduction in the cost-income ratio for the Asset Management segment, which improved to 61.8% from 62.3% previously. This reduction helped enhance overall profitability.

In the Property-Casualty segment, Allianz successfully managed operational expenses, reflected in an improved expense ratio and stable profit margins.

Shareholder Return and Financial Impact of Buy-back Programs

To strengthen shareholder value, Allianz implemented a share buy-back program amounting to €1 billion ($1.07 billion), completed by July 2024.

Additionally, the total volume of buy-backs was expanded to €1.5 billion ($1.6 billion).

This initiative was aimed at increasing shareholder returns and positively impacted core earnings per share, which rose to €12.57 in the first half of 2024, compared to €11.40 in 2023.

Regional Contribution to Firm’s Financial Performance

Different geographical regions contributed to Allianz’s financial success in unique ways.

European markets, particularly Germany, drove much of the growth in Property-Casualty insurance, while Asia showed an increase in demand for Life/Health insurance products.

The Firm’s Asset Management segment saw substantial inflows from North American markets, reinforcing its global positioning.

External Factors Affecting Revenue and Financial Stability

The Firm’s financial stability was affected by several external factors.

Natural catastrophes in Europe caused temporary pressures on the Property-Casualty segment, but Allianz’s robust risk mitigation strategies minimized the impact.

Macroeconomic conditions, such as fluctuations in interest rates and currency exchange rates, also influenced Allianz’s revenue, though strong operating fundamentals ensured resilience in the face of these challenges.

Future Revenue Projections and Financial Outlook

Looking ahead, Allianz’s financial outlook remains optimistic. The operating profit target for 2024 has been set at €14.8 billion ($15.8 billion), plus or minus €1 billion.

Allianz expects its segments to maintain growth momentum, particularly in Asset Management due to increasing AuM, and in Life/Health driven by favorable new business margins.

FAQs About Allianz

FAQs About Allianz

How Did the Property-Casualty Segment Perform in 2024?

The Property-Casualty segment showed strong growth, with total business volume reaching €44.8 billion ($47.9 billion), a 7.3% year-over-year increase. This growth was driven by new retail and commercial insurance policies.

What Contributed to the Life/Health Insurance Growth?

The Life/Health insurance segment’s growth was largely due to increased new business premiums, totaling €41.1 billion ($43.9 billion), and the popularity of capital-efficient products, which drove profitability.

What Was the Impact of the Share Buy-back Program?

Allianz implemented a €1.5 billion ($1.6 billion) share buy-back program in 2024, boosting core earnings per share and shareholder value. This initiative helped drive financial stability and return on equity.

How Did Asset Management Perform in the First Half of 2024?

The Asset Management segment experienced robust growth, with third-party assets under management reaching €1.803 trillion ($1.93 trillion). The operating profit increased by 6.3% due to increased revenues from managed assets.

What Was the Effect of Natural Catastrophes on Allianz’s Performance?

Natural catastrophes, especially in Europe, led to higher claims in the Property-Casualty segment, but Allianz’s combined ratio remained strong, and profitability was upheld through efficient cost management and improved underwriting practices.


I hope this analysis provided valuable insight into Allianz’s financial health.

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