What is Altria Group Net Worth and Revenue Sources in 2024: Financial Insights

What is Altria Group Net Worth and Revenue Sources in 2024 Financial Insights

Altria Group net worth plays a significant role in understanding its overall financial health and industry position.

Here, I’ll break down the key factors contributing to Altria’s financial performance, from major revenue sources to operational costs and strategic investments.

With this analysis, Ando Money aims to give you a complete picture of what drives this iconic company.

Quick Facts

NameAltria Group, Inc.
Full NameAltria Group, Inc.
Traded AsNYSE: MO
Country/TerritoryUnited States
HeadquartersRichmond, Virginia
Chief Executive OfficerBilly Gifford
Number of Employees6,400
Market Cap$87.10 billion
Total Assets$34.387 billion
Total Equity$(3.016) billion
Revenue$11.785 billion (First Half 2024)
Net Income$3.803 billion (Q2 2024)

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap of Altria Group in 2024?

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap Of Altria Group in 2024

The estimated net worth or market cap of Altria Group in 2024 stands at $87.10 billion. This makes Altria one of the notable players in the tobacco industry globally.

Compared to other industry giants, Altria’s financial standing remains strong, but it’s also important to look at its competition to understand where it sits among peers.

Some key companies and brands related to Altria include:

  • Philip Morris USA
  • NJOY
  • Anheuser-Busch InBev
  • U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company
  • Helix Innovations
  • Horizon Innovations
  • John Middleton Co.
  • Cronos Group
  • Marlboro
  • Copenhagen

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Financial Performance Overview

Altria Group Financial Performance Overview

Major Revenue Sources of the Firm

Altria Group has diverse revenue streams, primarily driven by its dominance in the tobacco industry. Its portfolio consists of traditional tobacco products like cigarettes and cigars, complemented by oral tobacco products and smoke-free innovations.

Revenue from smokeable products declined by 5.6% in Q2 2024, primarily because of macroeconomic factors impacting discretionary income.

This decline was somewhat balanced by the growth in oral tobacco and smoke-free products, showing the firm’s strategic adaptability.

Contribution of Tobacco Products to Revenue

Traditional smokeable products remain Altria’s most significant contributors to revenue. The Marlboro brand continues to dominate, although there was a 13.0% decline in domestic shipment volumes in Q2 2024.

This reduction reflects challenges in the market, including increased competition and macroeconomic pressures. Despite these issues, cigar products like Black & Mild retained consistent performance.

This solid performance reflects a continued demand for high-quality tobacco products, even during times of industry fluctuation.

Revenue from Smoke-Free Product Innovations

Altria’s smoke-free products, especially NJOY, have contributed significantly to diversifying its revenue base.

The NJOY brand saw an 80% increase in shipment volume of devices sequentially in Q2 2024, indicating the successful penetration of smoke-free alternatives.

With the backing of FDA Marketing Granted Orders, NJOY products are becoming a cornerstone of Altria’s growth strategy.

The growth in oral nicotine pouches, such as on!, further emphasizes Altria’s push towards smoke-free offerings, as on! showed a 37.3% growth in shipment volume during Q2 2024.

Role of Strategic Acquisitions in Financial Performance

Strategic acquisitions play a pivotal role in driving Altria’s revenue and market growth. Notably, the acquisition of NJOY for $250 million has set the company up for future success in the smoke-free segment.

This acquisition aligns with the company’s Vision of transitioning smokers to a smoke-free future. The pre-tax charge of $140 million during Q2 2024 associated with NJOY acquisition payments further indicates the importance Altria places on its innovative portfolio.

This acquisition not only strengthens the firm’s market position but also solidifies its ability to lead in the smoke-free market.

Influence of Equity Investments on Company Earnings

Another major pillar of Altria’s financial strategy is its equity investments. With significant stakes in companies like Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI) and Cronos Group, Altria benefits from revenue beyond tobacco.

The partial sale of investments in ABI in early 2024 brought notable gains, contributing positively to net earnings, which increased by 79.6% to $3.803 billion in Q2 2024.

Such investments provide Altria with broader market influence and steady income streams, further balancing out the fluctuating tobacco market.

Share Repurchases and Dividends: Impact on Financials

Altria has been actively returning value to its shareholders through share repurchases and dividends.

The accelerated share repurchase program saw $2.4 billion worth of shares bought back in the first half of 2024, while $3.4 billion in dividends was paid.

Such returns not only keep shareholders satisfied but also reduce outstanding shares, which in turn helps increase Earnings Per Share (EPS).

This approach, while costly in the short term, is a strategic move aimed at maintaining investor trust and increasing share value.

Operational Costs and Their Effect on Net Revenue

Operational costs, including excise taxes and production costs, play a significant role in determining Altria’s financial results.

For the first half of 2024, net revenues decreased to $11.785 billion, largely due to increasing promotional investments and the effects of reduced shipment volume in the smokeable segment.

Excise taxes on products amounted to $1.791 billion, indicating a steady burden on overall profitability. By focusing on cost management and innovative product offerings, Altria aims to streamline its expenses and optimize its profit margins.

Financial Performance Metrics and Quarterly Results

To fully understand Altria’s current standing, we need to look at key financial metrics like adjusted diluted EPS and net income. Reported diluted EPS for Q2 2024 was $2.21, reflecting an 85.7% increase compared to Q2 2023.

This surge can be attributed to several factors, including gains from the IQOS System commercialization rights and fewer shares outstanding.

The adjusted diluted EPS was stable at $1.31 for Q2 2024, indicating steady growth, while overall net income saw a notable boost, positioning the company well for the second half of the year.

Future Guidance and Earnings Predictions

Looking ahead, Altria has narrowed its full-year 2024 adjusted diluted EPS guidance to be in the range of $5.07 to $5.15, which suggests a growth rate of 2.5% to 4.0% compared to 2023.

The company expects earnings to be weighted more towards the second half of the year due to additional shipping days and increased smoke-free product sales.

Altria’s commitment to smoke-free products and strategic acquisitions, despite challenging market conditions, signifies a positive future outlook for shareholders.

FAQs About Altria Group

FAQs About Altria Group

How does Altria Group generate most of its revenue?

Altria Group generates most of its revenue from smokeable products, such as cigarettes and cigars, with the Marlboro brand leading the market.

What is Altria Group’s financial performance in Q2 2024?

In Q2 2024, Altria reported net revenues of $6.209 billion and net income of $3.803 billion, reflecting strong financial health, particularly in smoke-free segments.

What role do acquisitions play in Altria’s growth strategy?

Acquisitions, like that of NJOY, are crucial in expanding Altria’s presence in the smoke-free product market, aligning with its Vision to transition smokers to less harmful products.

How does Altria return value to its shareholders?

Altria returns value through dividends and share repurchase programs, spending $3.4 billion on dividends and $2.4 billion on share repurchases in the first half of 2024.

What are Altria Group’s smoke-free products?

Altria offers NJOY e-vapor products and oral nicotine pouches under the on! brand, aiming to provide alternatives to traditional smoking products.


Altria’s financial journey shows a complex mix of strategic growth, innovation, and solid returns.

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