What is the Bank of China Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024: Finance Performance

What is the Bank of China Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024: Finance Performance

Ever wondered about the Bank of China net worth? Ando Money here, diving deep into the financial magnitude of this global banking giant.

We’re breaking down the numbers and what they mean for investors and the global economy alike. Stay tuned for a detailed exploration!

Quick Facts

NameBank of China Limited
Traded as3988 (HKSE), 601988 (SSE)
FoundersChen Jintao
Chief Executive OfficerGe Haijiao
Number of Employees306,322
Market Cap$171.35 billion
Total Assets$4.558 trillion
Total equityRMB 2.784 trillion ($395 billion)
RevenueRMB 161.038 billion ($ 22.8 billion)
Net IncomeRMB 59.973 billion ($8.5 billion)

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap of Bank of China in 2024?

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap of Bank of China in 2024?

The market cap of the Bank of China in 2024 is $171.35 billion. This valuation places it among the top financial institutions globally.

For comparison, the Agricultural Bank of China has a market cap of $207.79 billion, and the China Construction Bank stands at $166.19 billion.

These comparisons underscore the significant position the Bank of China holds in the global banking industry.

Bank of China Financial Performance Overview

Bank of China Financial Performance Overview

Current Financial Standing

The Bank of China (BOC) reported robust financial performance for the first quarter of 2024. Despite a slight decrease compared to the previous year, the bank continues to demonstrate its financial strength.

The operating income was RMB 161.038 billion (approximately USD 22.8 billion), a decline of 3.12%.

The profit for the period stood at RMB 59.973 billion (approximately USD 8.5 billion), down by 2.84%.

Total assets increased to approximately USD 4.78 trillion, showcasing a solid growth of 3.78%.

Key Financial Indicators and Metrics

The major financial data and indicators reflect BOC’s stable financial health. Revenue trends show a minor dip, with operating income and net profit experiencing slight declines.

The revenue stood at RMB 161.038 billion (USD 22.8 billion), while net income was RMB 59.973 billion (USD 8.5 billion).

The capital reserves and total equity increased to RMB 2.784 trillion (USD 395 billion), highlighting a growth of 0.99%.

Asset Base Analysis

BOC’s asset base is diverse and robust. The total assets of RMB 33.659 trillion (USD 4.78 trillion) include substantial loans and advances to customers, totaling RMB 20.882 trillion (USD 2.96 trillion).

Financial investments also play a significant role, amounting to RMB 7.291 trillion (USD 1.03 trillion). The cash and due from banks figure was RMB 861.316 billion (USD 122 billion).

Revenue Streams and Profitability

The bank’s operating income is primarily derived from interest and non-interest income.

Interest income for the period was RMB 272.283 billion (USD 38.7 billion), while non-interest income stood at RMB 48.326 billion (USD 6.8 billion).

Net fee and commission income amounted to RMB 25.127 billion (USD 3.6 billion).

Operating expenses were recorded at RMB 54.293 billion (USD 7.7 billion), a slight increase from the previous period, reflecting the bank’s expanding operations and associated costs. Credit impairment losses were RMB 34.915 billion (USD 5 billion), emphasizing the bank’s prudent risk management practices.

Shareholders and Equity Structure

The equity structure of BOC includes major shareholders like Central Huijin Investment Ltd., holding 64.13% of the shares, and HKSCC Nominees Limited with 27.77%.

Other notable shareholders include China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. and MUFG Bank, Ltd.. This diversified shareholder base underpins the bank’s strong capital foundation.

Global Presence and Market Influence

BOC has a significant global presence with branches and subsidiaries in various countries. The bank’s international operations enhance its influence in the global banking sector.

BOC’s market capitalization is substantial, reinforcing its position among the top global banks. The bank’s strategic initiatives and international expansions have fortified its market position.

Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance

Managing non-performing loans and ensuring asset quality are critical for BOC. The bank reported non-performing loans amounting to RMB 258.579 billion (USD 36.7 billion), with a ratio of 1.24%.

The bank has implemented robust measures to manage credit risk effectively. Regulatory compliance is another crucial aspect, with BOC adhering to both domestic and international regulations.

Recent Strategic Initiatives and Future Prospects

BOC has been proactive in launching strategic initiatives. The issuance of biodiversity-themed bonds and total loss-absorbing capacity bonds worth RMB 150 billion (USD 21.3 billion) are notable examples.

These initiatives not only enhance the bank’s financial strength but also align with global sustainability goals.

Looking forward, BOC aims to expand its operations and enhance its financial services portfolio, positioning itself for long-term growth and stability.

FAQs About Bank of China

FAQs About Bank of China

What is the Bank of China?

BOC was established in 1912 to succeed the Imperial Bank of China. It ranks among the four largest state-owned banks in China.

How does the BOC support international transactions?

The BOC is crucial in international finance, especially in RMB internationalization. It provides extensive services for cross-border transactions, ensuring compliance with regulatory documentation.

What digital banking services does the Bank of China offer?

BOC provides comprehensive digital banking services. Customers can manage accounts, perform payments, transfer funds, and activate debit cards online.

What are the key corporate responsibilities of the Bank of China?

The BOC integrates corporate social responsibility into all aspects of its operations. It focuses on community engagement, integrity, and cooperation.

What unique banking products does the BOC offer?

BOC offers specialized accounts like the Overseas Student Account and promotes the global use of the RMB through its internationalization efforts.

How does the BOC handle security and fraud concerns?

BOC implements robust security measures to protect its customers. It offers alerts for unauthorized transactions and provides resources to manage security concerns, such as card loss notifications and online security tips.

What role does the BOC play in the U.S. financial markets?

Bank of China U.S.A. connects Chinese and U.S. markets, providing financial solutions and services to clients across both regions.

It leverages its global network to support cross-border economic activities, enhancing Sino-U.S. trade finance.

What community initiatives does the Bank of China engage in?

BOC U.S.A. supports local communities through cultural, educational, and developmental programs. These initiatives demonstrate the bank’s commitment to integrating social responsibility with its business practices.

What are the future trends in banking as seen by the BOC?

The BOC is focused on adapting to the global economy’s changing demands. It emphasizes digital banking enhancements, improved cross-border payment systems, and sustainable practices to meet its customers’ evolving needs.

How does the BOC ensure compliance and ethical banking?

BOC is dedicated to high standards of regulatory compliance and ethical practices. It maintains comprehensive compliance policies and programs to protect client interests and ensure financial system integrity.


Wrapping up, the Bank of China’s net worth reflects significant economic trends and investor opportunities. For more detailed insights and financial analysis, visit us at andomoney.com.

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