What is the Bank of Communications Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024?

What is the Bank of Communications Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024?

Welcome to Ando Money, and today we’re diving into the fascinating world of finance by examining the Bank of Communications net worth.

Stay tuned to uncover the financial dynamics that define its market standing.

Quick Facts

NameBank of Communications
Full NameBank of Communications Co., Ltd.
Traded asSSE: 601328 (A share)
SEHK: 3328 (H share)
Hang Seng Index component
SSE: 360021 (A preference)
SEHK: 4605 (H preference)
FoundersMinistry of Finance of China
HeadquartersShanghai, China
Chief Executive OfficerRen Deqi
Number of Employees91,823
Market Cap$64.07 Billion
Total Assets$1.99 Trillion
Total Equity$157.29 Billion
Revenue$9.43 Billion (1Q’24)
Net Income$3.53 Billion (1Q’24)

What is the Net Worth/ Market Cap of Bank of Communications in 2024?

What is the Net Worth/ Market Cap of Bank of Communications in 2024?

As of June 2024, the market cap of Bank of Communications (BOCOM) stands at $64.07 billion.

This positions it as a significant player in the Chinese banking industry, although it is smaller compared to Bank of China with a market cap of $171.35 billion and China Construction Bank at $166.19 billion.

Despite this, BOCOM remains a robust and influential institution, contributing significantly to China’s financial landscape.

Bank of Communications Financial Performance Overview

Bank of Communications Financial Performance Overview

In 2024, BOCOM showcased a solid financial performance, reflecting stability and growth.

The bank reported a total revenue of $9.43 billion (RMB 67,201 million), a slight increase from the previous year.

The net profit for Q1 2024 was $3.53 billion (RMB 25,253 million), highlighting a modest growth in profitability.

Examination of Assets and Liabilities

The total assets of Bank of Communications as of March 31, 2024, were $1.99 trillion (RMB 14,238.091 billion). This marks a 1.26% increase from the end of 2023.

The total liabilities stood at $1.83 trillion (RMB 13,112.273 billion), reflecting a stable liability management approach.

The bank’s robust asset base includes loans, advances, and financial investments, contributing to its strong financial position.

Profitability Analysis

Bank of Communications maintained a stable profitability ratio in the first quarter of 2024.

The net interest income increased by 2.24% year-on-year to $5.82 billion (RMB 41,558 million), accounting for 61.84% of the net operating income.

Despite the competitive banking environment, the bank’s strategic initiatives in managing interest rates and expanding its loan portfolio have paid off.

Asset Quality and Loan Portfolio

The bank’s non-performing loan ratio slightly decreased to 1.32%, indicating effective risk management and loan quality control.

The total loan portfolio grew by 3.09% to $1.15 trillion (RMB 8,203.223 billion), with corporate loans making up the largest segment.

The focus on high-quality lending practices has ensured the maintenance of a healthy loan portfolio.

Capital Adequacy and Regulatory Compliance

BOCOM adheres to strict regulatory standards, maintaining a capital adequacy ratio of 16.09%, a Tier-1 capital ratio of 12.40%, and a CET1 ratio of 10.44%.

These ratios are well above the regulatory requirements, ensuring the bank’s financial stability and ability to absorb potential losses.

Shareholder Structure and Influence

The bank’s major shareholders include the Ministry of Finance of China, HSBC, and the National Council for Social Security Fund.

This diverse shareholder base provides strong governance and strategic direction, influencing the bank’s operational and financial strategies positively.

Revenue Streams and Fee Income

The bank’s revenue streams are diversified, with a significant portion coming from net interest income and fee income.

The net fee and commission income was $1.66 billion (RMB 11,879 million), although it saw a 6.35% decrease compared to the previous year.

This decline was mainly due to changes in regulatory policies affecting commission rates.

Expense Management and Cost Efficiency

Operating expenses decreased by 1.99% to $2.74 billion (RMB 19,613 million), reflecting the bank’s efforts to enhance cost efficiency.

The cost-to-income ratio improved to 29.25%, showcasing effective expense management practices compared to industry benchmarks.

Future Prospects and Strategic Outlook

Looking forward, Bank of Communications aims to continue its growth trajectory by focusing on technology investments, enhancing customer services, and expanding its loan portfolio.

The bank is well-positioned to leverage growth opportunities and navigate challenges in the evolving financial landscape.

FAQs about Bank of Communications

FAQs about Bank of Communications

What is the Bank of Communications?

BOCOM is one of China’s oldest banks, established in 1908. It offers personal banking, corporate banking, and investment services. The bank has a strong presence domestically and internationally, operating in major global financial centers.

What is the BOCOM’ approach to risk management?

Risk management is crucial. The bank maintained stable asset quality:

  • Non-performing loan ratio: 1.32%, slightly decreased.
  • Provision coverage ratio: 197.05%, increased.
  • Special mention loan ratio: 1.53% The bank continuously improves risk identification and loan provisioning.

What is the Bank of Communications’ international presence?

The BOCOM has branches and subsidiaries in major financial hubs like Hong Kong, New York, Tokyo, and Singapore. This global presence allows the bank to serve international clients and support cross-border trade and investment.

How does the BOCOM contribute to social responsibility?

The BOCOM engages in various community development projects, supports SMEs, promotes green finance, and contributes to disaster relief efforts. The bank aligns its operations with national economic policies and social welfare goals.

What technological advancements has the Bank of Communications implemented?

The BOCOM invests heavily in technology to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency. Key advancements include:

  • Development of digital banking platforms.
  • Use of big data analytics and AI for risk management.
  • Strengthened cybersecurity protocols.

*Conversion rate: 1 USD = 7.02 RMB


In conclusion, Bank of Communications demonstrates robust financial health and strategic foresight. For more detailed financial insights and updates, visit andomoney.com.

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