What is the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024: Finance Performance

What is the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024: Finance Performance

Looking into the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank net worth? You’ve landed in the right place!

Ando Money here from andomoney.com, diving into what makes this financial giant tick. We’re unpacking everything that contributes to its valuation—stick around for a clear breakdown!

Quick Facts

NameShanghai Pudong Development Bank
AbbreviationSPD Bank
Traded as600000 (Shanghai Stock Exchange)
FoundersShanghai Municipal Government
HeadquartersShanghai, China
ChairmanGuo Fu Gao
Number of Employees63,582
Market Cap238.93 billion CNY ($32.92 billion)
Total Assets9,007,247 million CNY ($1,240 billion)
Total Equity724,749 million CNY ($99.82 billion)
Revenue173,434 million CNY ($23.89 billion)
Net Income36,702 million CNY ($5.05 billion)

What is the Net Worth/ Market Cap Of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in 2024?

What is the Net Worth/ Market Cap Of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in 2024?

As of 2024, the market cap of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPD Bank) stands at 238.93 billion CNY ($32.92 billion).

When compared to other banks in the industry, SPD Bank holds a significant position.

For instance, China CITIC Bank has a market cap of $43.45 billion, while the Postal Savings Bank of China boasts $63.62 billion. China Merchants Bank is ahead with $117.22 billion.

This comparison highlights SPD Bank’s substantial presence in the Chinese banking sector, although it lags behind some of the other major players.

This positioning showcases the bank’s robust financial health and its critical role in China’s financial landscape.

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Financial Performance Overview

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Financial Performance Overview

SPD Bank has demonstrated solid financial performance despite facing various challenges.

As of the end of 2023, SPD Bank’s total assets reached 9,007,247 million CNY ($1,240 billion), reflecting a growth of 3.48% over the previous year.

This growth is supported by an increase in total loans, which amounted to 5,017,754 million CNY ($691.34 billion), and total deposits, which stood at 4,984,630 million CNY ($686.92 billion).

Financial Performance in Recent Years

SPD Bank has consistently reported robust financial performance. In 2023, the bank’s operating income was 173,434 million CNY ($23.89 billion), although this marked a decrease of 8.05% from 2022.

The total profit for the year was 40,692 million CNY ($5.61 billion), down 27.53% from the previous year. The net profit attributable to shareholders was 36,702 million CNY ($5.05 billion), representing a 28.28% decrease.

Strategic Initiatives and Their Impact

Digitalization & Intelligentization Strategy

SPD Bank has been proactive in its digitalization and intelligentization strategy, which aims to enhance efficiency and customer experience.

This strategy includes developing digital infrastructures, products, operations, risk controls, and ecosystems.

The bank’s focus on digital transformation is expected to drive future growth and maintain its competitive edge.

Green Finance and Sustainable Development

The bank has significantly invested in green finance, with a balance of green credit reaching 524.6 billion CNY ($72.31 billion).

This initiative aligns with global sustainability trends and supports China’s environmental goals.

By financing green projects, SPD Bank is not only contributing to environmental protection but also tapping into a growing market.

Technology Finance and Innovation

SPD Bank’s commitment to technology finance is evident in its innovative approach.

The bank has introduced several products tailored for tech companies, such as the SPD Tech product series.

These products provide comprehensive financial services to tech enterprises, aiding their growth and fostering innovation.

Risk Management and Financial Stability

Risk management remains a core focus for SPD Bank. The bank has robust systems in place to manage credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.

In 2023, the NPL ratio improved to 1.48%, down from 1.52% the previous year. The provision coverage ratio increased to 173.51%, indicating a strong buffer against potential loan losses.

Role in the Chinese Economy

SPD Bank plays a crucial role in the Chinese economy by supporting major national strategies and the real economy.

The bank’s contributions to the Belt and Road Initiative and regional development projects in the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are notable.

These efforts help drive economic growth and enhance SPD Bank’s influence in the financial sector.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, SPD Bank aims to continue its trajectory of high-quality development.

The bank plans to leverage its strengths in technology finance, green finance, and digital transformation to sustain growth.

Challenges such as market volatility and economic uncertainties remain, but SPD Bank’s strategic initiatives and robust risk management practices position it well for the future.

FAQs about Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

FAQs about Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

What is the history of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank?

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank was established on August 28, 1992. It has its headquarters in Shanghai. The bank has grown rapidly and plays a crucial role in Shanghai’s economy.

What is the international presence of SPD Bank?

SPD Bank operates globally with branches in the US, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany, and the UK. This allows it to serve international customers and support global financial stability.

What services does SPD Bank offer?

The bank offers a variety of services including corporate financing, treasury services, investment banking, wealth management, and personal banking products.

How does SPD Bank approach innovation?

It focuses on technological innovation. It invests in online and mobile banking, artificial intelligence, and blockchain solutions to improve customer experience.

What are SPD Bank’s social responsibility initiatives?

The bank engages in corporate social responsibility by supporting community development, education, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability.

What contributions does SPD Bank make to economic development?

SPD Bank supports economic growth in China. It provides financing solutions, facilitates trade and investment, and contributes to overall economic development.

How does SPD Bank promote sustainability?

It integrates environmental, social, and governance factors into its operations. It promotes sustainable practices and supports green projects.


As we wrap up, remember the impressive journey of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank’s net worth is more than just figures.

It’s about strategic growth and robust financial health. For more insights, swing by andomoney.com and keep up with the latest in finance!

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