What is the The Bank of New York Mellon Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024: Finance Performance Overview

What is the The Bank of New York Mellon Net Worth/ Market Cap in 2024: Finance Performance Overview

Welcome to our deep dive on The Bank of New York Mellon net worth. Join Ando Money as we explore how this venerable institution stacks up in today’s financial landscape.

Stay tuned as we uncover the numbers and narratives that define its worth.

Quick Facts

NameBank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon)
Full NameThe Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
Traded asNYSE: BK
FoundersAlexander Hamilton
Country/TerritoryUnited States
HeadquartersNew York City, New York
Chief Executive OfficerRobin Vince
Number of Employees50,000+
Market Cap$50.18 billion (as of September 2024)
Total Assets$49.5 trillion in AUC/A
Total EquityN/A
Revenue$4.6 billion (Q2 2024)
Net Income$1.143 billion (Q2 2024)

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap of The Bank of New York Mellon in 2024?

What is the Net Worth/Market Cap of The Bank of New York Mellon in 2024

As of September 2024, BNY Mellon has a market cap of $50.18 billion. This valuation places the bank among the leading financial institutions in the world.

BNY Mellon’s impressive market cap is driven by its significant role in the banking sector, particularly as the largest custodian bank, managing assets worth trillions of dollars.

Compared to other banks, BNY Mellon’s market cap remains robust but slightly lower than some of the other global financial giants. Nevertheless, its role in managing substantial assets makes it a key player in global finance.

Here are some other major banks:

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BNY Mellon Financial Performance Overview

BNY Mellon Financial Performance Overview

BNY Mellon’s financial performance in 2024 continues to demonstrate its strength as a global leader in investment management and securities services.

The bank has been able to maintain and grow its revenue streams through various strategic areas such as fee revenue, net interest income, and its investment management business.

Revenue Drivers

One of the primary revenue drivers for BNY Mellon in 2024 has been its fee revenue, which grew by 4% compared to the previous year, totaling $3.398 billion.

This growth is attributed to higher market values, an increase in new business, and greater client activity.

Fee revenue includes key components such as investment services and securities lending, both of which contributed significantly to the overall financial performance.

On the other hand, net interest income saw a slight decline of 6%, reflecting changes in the balance sheet mix, partially offset by higher interest rates.

Despite this decrease, BNY Mellon remains financially resilient by continuously reinvesting in higher-yielding assets.

Investment and Wealth Management

BNY Mellon’s investment management and wealth management businesses are also essential to its success. In Q2 2024, the bank reported assets under management (AUM) of $2.0 trillion, an increase of 7% from the previous year.

This growth reflects both higher market values and continued success in attracting new clients.

The wealth management segment, which serves high-net-worth individuals and institutional clients, saw its client assets rise to $308 billion, an 8% increase from the same quarter last year.

BNY Mellon’s focus on client-centric solutions and personalized services has played a crucial role in sustaining its wealth management business.

Key Financial Metrics

Profitability metrics also provide a strong indication of BNY Mellon’s robust financial health. The Return on Tangible Common Equity (ROTCE) stood at an impressive 24.6%, marking an increase from the previous year’s 22.8%.

The Return on Equity (ROE) was 12.7%, showcasing BNY Mellon’s ability to efficiently manage its assets and generate returns for its shareholders.

In terms of net income, BNY Mellon reported $1.143 billion for Q2 2024, reflecting a 10% year-over-year growth.

This strong performance was driven by a combination of solid fee growth and disciplined expense management. Additionally, BNY Mellon continued to reward its shareholders, returning $923 million through dividends and share repurchases.

Capital and Liquidity

BNY Mellon has demonstrated a strong capital and liquidity position throughout 2024. The bank’s Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio was 11.4%, and its Tier 1 leverage ratio stood at 5.8%.

These figures highlight BNY Mellon’s ability to maintain stability in the face of market fluctuations, ensuring that it remains well-capitalized.

The bank’s liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and net stable funding ratio (NSFR) also reflect its commitment to maintaining adequate liquidity, with an average LCR of 115% and NSFR of 132%.

These metrics ensure that BNY Mellon can meet its short-term and long-term obligations without compromising its financial health.

Growth Prospects

Looking ahead, BNY Mellon is poised for future growth, with a focus on expanding its assets under custody and administration (AUC/A), which reached $49.5 trillion in Q2 2024.

The bank’s strategic initiatives in areas such as technological innovation and client solutions will likely contribute to long-term growth and sustainability.

The launch of new client solutions and the modernization of the bank’s brand further solidify its position in the market.

FAQs about BNY Mellon

FAQs about BNY Mellon

What services does the BNY Mellon offer?

It offers investment management, wealth management, asset servicing, and securities lending. It serves governments, global financial institutions, and high-net-worth individuals.

How much is the BNY Mellon’s market cap in 2024?

As of September 2024, the market cap stands at $50.18 billion. The bank manages $49.5 trillion in AUC/A.

Who is the CEO of the BNY Mellon?

Robin Vince is the current CEO, focusing on growth and innovation in global financial services.

How does the BNY Mellon generate revenue?

It earns through fee-based services like investment management and custody services. Net interest income adds to its revenue.

How long has the bank been in operation?

Founded in 1784, the bank is over 240 years old and remains a global financial leader.

Where is the BNY Mellon headquartered?

It is based in New York City and operates in over 35 countries globally.


The Bank of New York Mellon’s robust financial standing cements its place in the top American banks list.

For more insights, visit andomoney.com to explore how this institution shapes the banking landscape.

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